Discover our extensive collection of Japanese figurines at Wakagi, featuring traditional and modern designs. Our range includes Manekineko, the famous lucky cats symbolizing fortune, Daruma dolls representing perseverance, and authentic handcrafted Kokeshi dolls.
We also offer Usagi and Okiagari figurines, symbolic of resilience and determination. as well as a selection of owls, symbols of wisdom and protection. For pop culture lovers, our selection of Manga, Anime & Tokusatsu figurines celebrates Japanese entertainment and collectibles. Whether you're looking for traditional Japanese statues or modern figurines, Wakagi has something for every collector.
Explore our collection of Japanese figurines at Wakagi: Manekineko (lucky cats), Daruma (perseverance), and Kokeshi (traditional craftsmanship). Discover also Usagi, Okiagari, (resilience), owls (wisdom and protection), as well as Manga, Anime, and Tokusatsu figurines.